This blog article provides an overall description of the fourth and final SAFERS demonstration pilot, which took place in Thessaloniki (Greece), including key preparation aspects, the dynamics during the execution, as well as an analysis of the feedback collected from the stakeholders that attended the event.
This blog article is dedicated to the third demonstration and training activities performed on the 10th of October 2023 in El Perelló (Catalonia, Spain) to test and evaluate the SAFERS Intelligent Services (ISs) that are integrated into the dashboard and the chatbot. The execution of the third demo served to test the first release of the β2 version of the SAFERS integrated system. The event brought together the members of the SAFERS Consortium with local stakeholders invited (first responders, emergency authorities and citizens). The main objective of the SAFERS demos is to assess the capabilities of the tested services to assist decision-making processes across all the phases of the wildfire risk management cycle (i.e., prevention & preparedness, detection & response, adaptation & restoration), including the engagement with citizens.

In this blog article, we present SAFERS Web-based dashboard for operational management and Decision Support. The Dashboard is one of the user-facing components of SAFERS. By providing a single interface for interacting with forest fire related data and information, the dashboard aims to improve emergency management efficiency of end-users when facing fire emergencies.